Artists: Killoffer |
Born in 1966 in Lorraine, France, Killoffer studied art in Paris in 1980. Together with JC Menu, Lewis Trondheim, David B, Mattt Konture and Stanislas, he founded L'Association in 1990. A key member of the experimental comics movement in Europe, Killoffer has long been involved with the OuBaPo (Ouvroir de Bande Dessinée Potentielle) collective. Along with regular pieces in collections such as Lapin, and joint projects such as Donjons Monster #9 (w/Trondheim & Sfar) and Viva Patamache! (w/Capron), Killoffer has released three full-scale graphic albums with L'Association: Billet SVP, La Clef des Champs and 676 apparitions de Killoffer. |
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Selected Bibliography Graphic Albums Géométrie dans la poussière (Verticales 2004)Donjon Monsters #9 (Delcourt 2004) 676 apparitions de Killoffer (L'Association 2002) Viva Patamâch (Le Seuil 2001) La bactérie (Les 4 mers 1998) La clef des champs (L'Association 1997) Billet SVP (L'Association 1995) '?' (Automne 67 1994) Killoffer en la matière (L'Association 1992) Collections Lapin Psikopat Comix 2000 Sturgeon White Moss Illustration Work Libération Le Monde Télérama La Vie |